Prayer Team:  this week's prayer theme is "Unity".

Pray and Agree:
-For leaders, speakers, co-leaders and teams to be in unity and tuned to the Holy Spirit for direction - be supportive of one another.
-For them to be of the same mind, maintaining the same sister love, united in spirit, intentions in one purpose - to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ.
-That they esteem one another higher than themselves. May they be faithful in commitment to each other.
-For all spirits of deceit, unforgiveness, jeolousy, pride, resentment, insecuries, vain, and the spirit of "gossip and division" be kept away and far from them. May they give no cause of offense in anything, but in unity serving one another as to the Lord.
-For a "wall of fire" to protect their unity and stop anything
that would go against it.